Tuesday, August 30, 2011


One of the not-so-exciting parts of moving in with my new husband was consolidating our possessions.  I don't think that either of us was as diligent about purging as we should have been.  Now all of our stuff and both of us are here in the same place, and apparently we have boxes of things that we don't need. 

This lead me to wonder why it's so hard to let go of some physical possessions.  My boxes of books were heavy!  I'm quite positive that I'm not going to reread the Carlos Fuentes that I've been toting around since my freshman year of college.  However, every time I see that book it reminds me of one of the best summers of my life, the summer that I studied abroad in Mexico.  I just can't bear to part with it or many of my other books from college.

Then there are the things I can't imagine why I'm holding onto, like the box of Disney VHS cassettes.  Yes, I said VHS cassettes.  I think at one time I thought they would be collectible.  They're collectible, alright - collecting lots of dust.  I registered for a Craigslist account about 2 weeks ago.  Why haven't they been listed for sale yet?  I really don't have a good answer for that.

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