Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Donated Bar Stool Refashion

I've really been amazed at the generosity of our friends and family as Lucas and I have started our lives together.  As he was building our house, people cheerfully volunteered their time and expertise.  After the house was completed, friends and family came through again with all kinds of odds and ends for our house. 

Just before the wedding, our officiant came out to our house to meet with us before the wedding and was forced to sit on a stool too short for our tall bar.  He told us he thought he had some stools that he wasn't using and would be glad to let us have, and they were perfect.  No more standing up and eating meals!  A huge thank you goes out to the Motes family.

To make our new stools stand out, I decided to cover the seat cushions.  I visited Ely's Fabric Warehouse in Mobile, AL to find the right fabric.  With football season coming up, it was hard to pass up a fabric that made me think of one of my favorite teams, the NO Saints.  After a mere $13 for the yard of fabric, I was well on my way to a barstool refashion.  Here's how it went down.


I cut the fabric to be close to the size of the cushion.

Then, pulling the fabric very tight across the cushion, I stapled it to the underside of the cushion with a small stapler that I picked up at Wal-Mart.

Voila!  After

Lucas gets points for the assist - he detached and attached the cushions from the stools.  Teamwork!

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